Reduce your IRS bill by paying up to a maximum of 800 euros! ProDJ courses are considered eligible investments as IRS education expenses.
Want to know more about advantages of opting for certified training? HERE THEY ARE! If you are an international student, check your country’s legislation. ProDJ courses are recognized by the Portuguese government. Invest in ProDJ training and get discounts on IRS.
It is impossible to determine the exact amount of the reimbursement since it depends on your personal fiscal situation, namely the marital status and the number of people you financially support. Use an IRS simulator and test the values according to your income. You can reduce your IRS bill up to 800 euros!
Only those who have deducted for the IRS over the course of the year will be able to recover it. For example, with a minimum monthly income, the taxpayer does not deduct to the IRS so they will never have amounts to receive, regardless of the amount invested in education.
Because according to the Portuguese legislation, namely the CIRS-code of the IRS – ProDJ is the only DJ academy certified in Portugal by DGERT – Direção-Geral do Emprego e das Relações de Trabalho in addition to the teachers being all CCP – certified in pedagogical skills. This means that ProDJ training services are exempt from VAT and are therefore expenses considered for the calculation of the tax to be paid to you at the end of each year. Click here to know how to save on the IRS with education and training expenses.